The page you’re looking for couldn’t be found, but while you’re here feel free to read a quick story about how LAOBRA came to be :)

Hi :) I’m Michel. Some of you might know me personally but I’ll assume the majority of you don’t, so allow me to explain why the heck I started this thing that has a name that many have trouble pronouncing.

Firstly, I believe most things we do should start with a clearly defined reason, our “WHY.” Mine for shaping LAOBRA wasn’t originally an entrepreneurial pursuit, it was born out of falling out of love with my work. I earned a living as a Digital Technician for Commerical Photographers. By superficial measures I should’ve been happy. I earned well, worked with great clients, and enjoyed the company of my colleagues. As grateful as I remain for that era of my career, I just wasn't feeling it anymore. I felt my passion evaporating with time and knew I needed to find a way to rekindle the fire for creating I once held in my heart. Truthfully, my mental well-being depended on it.

I felt I needed space where I could experiment with complete freedom, tinker with all things I found interest in. Some days it could be photography, others it could be beverage fermentation or roasting coffee, even furniture crafting and fabric dying. Shaping a space that would welcome experimentation, better yet encourage it, and would serve as a conduit between myself and that pure feeling of excitement brought on by child-like play, has been the key to my own re-discovery of passion.

Out of that sentiment sprouted the playground that is now LAOBRA. It calls out to other creators who feel disillusioned by their day jobs. Beyond our unique design practice of shaping and sharing great spaces for creators, my goal for LAOBRA is for it to become an ecosystem of resources. One that we can all use to play, create, and grow together with a sensitivity for the planet and our collective well-being.

Cheers to keeping our Hands at Play <3